Donald Trump You Are Right ... 'I Am A Criminal'

Adán González es un jovencito con una historia inspiradora, que ha demostrado que no importa de donde vienes ni tu situación económica para lograr tus sueños en este gran país. Graduado de Georgetown University, con un internado en la Casa Blanca, una beca para el Harvard Business School Summer Venture  y a sus 22 años de edad es fundador de su organización no lucrativa "Si Se Puede" que tiene como propósito impulsar a jóvenes a graduarse de la universidad. Adán ha sido acreedor a más de 1 millon de dólares en becas y ha apoyado diversas causas en todo el país, ha sido honorado en muchísimas ocasiones por diferentes instituciones privadas, organizaciones no lugrativas y entidades de gobierno. Adán es hijo de inmigrantes, criado en uno de los barrios más pobres de Dallas y HOY Adán Gonzáles quiere decirle a Donald Trump, SI SOY UN CRIMINAL.

Me gustaría que leyeras la carta que el escribió y me dejes tus comentarios.

Dear Trump Supporters:

You are right…I am a criminal!

You can call me a "wetback," you can call me an "anchor baby," you can call me a "spick," you can call me an "illegal alien;" and I'll forgive you. No, I do care, and nope, I am not afraid. It's just that my parents raised me to work hard, respect everyone and let my actions represent me. But I am sorry, I must confess why I am a criminal:

I understand that I am different and it can be scary. Naturally, we, are afraid of the unknown. But if it helps you, just know we have many things in common. For example, I love futbol & football, I love hotdogs & tacos, I love country music & banda, I love English & Spanish, and I love our God.

You don't have to accept me. You don't have to acknowledge me. But please don't forget how you thought less of me when you heard my accent or saw my dark skin.

I am proud of my roots. My parents are immigrants de Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico. I am proud of my humble upbringing. All my life my father has worked as a janitor and my mom as a warehouse clerk. Both sold tortas, raspas, and nachos to make a few extra cents. I learned from the sacrifices they made and I know it led my family to a better life. Now, maybe the sweat dripping down their faces off of 20 hour working shifts, the mop and boxes they carry, can be perceived as a criminal activity. I am afraid of labor work too. My parents never took your job, heck, I don't even want their job...however, please understand that I do want your job.

Every time you harassed my mother for not understanding English, every time you ridicule my father for his sweaty work clothes, every time you screamed at them to leave your country, every time you ignored me in meetings, every time you defunded programs at our schools, you broke me into pieces and gave me a life of a criminal.

You made me work harder then my classmates at Georgetown. You made me apply to 26 scholarships and win over a million dollars off them. You made apply to jobs, even landed a nice gig at the White House. I broke the system that oppresses my community. I am a criminal for believing in the American Dream.

Although we didn't have much growing up, I was never hungry. But because of your unwillingness to accept me, I am starving off of ambition. I want to be your teacher, I want to be your supervisor, I want to be your judge, and I want to be your boss. Your hatred made me a criminal because I know I'm stealing your job from a system that was not made for me.

And because I understand that we will never be perfect, my heart has no room for hate, so I forgive you for making me into a criminal. After all...we can be different in many ways, but our American Dream is the same.

Si Se Puede!




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