The beauty of LAT lifestyle

Por: Paola García / Edición: Claudia Rivera

Hello friends, it's our confession time: wow!! I’m so excited about this topic. I have been married and, to be honest, it was not the best experience ever , that's the reason why I have rejected every proposal ever since I got divorced. You may think I'm losing my mind, turns out I´m not, I´ll explain to you why.

There are those who can live happily married for decades enjoying it … truly enjoying it. I have met couples that, despite the years, look at each other with so much love it melts your heart; the way they treat each other is so adorable and how they speak to the other is beyond words. Everytime I get the chance to be surrounded by that kind of people it truly makes me wonder if I could live under the same roof with a person again but…

According to Heather Mazzei from Modern Intimacy

“LAT is a emerging relationship dynamic which is a generally a monogamous intimate partnership between unmarried individuals who live in separate homes but identify as a committed couple”.

For some of us, that is not our happy reality. However, let's not freak out, there is the marvelous LAT, have you heard about it? The Living Apart Together lifestyle, which happens to be quite popular among europeans and it's starting to be popular on this side of the world, consists on having a relationship with a significant other, with all that includes, such as: traveling together, spending weekends, watching movies together, going out for dinner, cuddling, sleeping as one, but each one has its own house, it's own space and sometimes it is like a sleep over.

You can be together under the same roof as long as you want to, but get to keep your house and so does your partner, and that happens to be wonderful because if at any point you need a little bit of space, quiet time, or just don't feel like being with someone else in that moment you can go to your safe sacred home and enjoy your time alone. If you and your better half have a disagreement, same thing: you just go back home, chill out, cool down and then go back to the relationship, isn't that beautiful?

Illustration by Jess Lenz taken from Philadelphia Magazine

Why people are choosing LAT lifestyle?

We can assure that LAT might be a choice; however, it’s a result of a huge variety of relational functionalities, such as:

  • Fear of lost autonomy

  • Ease for relationship dissolution

  • Place more importance on friendship

  • Lack of commitment

  • Prioritizing long term boy/girlfriends

  • Avoid the legal and financial complications of common-law relationships

Sure thing, this kind of lifestyle is not meant for everyone, it's just an option for people like… you know: ¡me! … Women that enjoy being with a loved one, having great times, making new memories but at the end of the day it's more than necessary to have our own space, our time alone for meditation, breathing and relaxing before hitting the sack, or what have you. We all deserve to have a nice wrap up before closing the eyes.

Are you a traditional cohabitation kind of person? Or are you open to a more “modern” lifestyles? I'd love to hear from you and share your thoughts on these matters.

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