[PODCAST] Margie Aguilar: Transforming Pain into Endurance

Pain, both physical and emotional, can serve as a powerful catalyst for personal growth and resilience. When faced with adversity, the process of overcoming pain often leads to a deeper understanding of one’s own strength and capabilities. Challenges and hardships test our limits, pushing us to adapt and develop coping mechanisms that fortify our mental and emotional fortitude.

And in this episode we hear how Margie has used her pain from growing up in a home with domestic violence to become the strong and determined woman she is today.

Margie Aguilar is the Company Lead at ISP Creative.  ISP Creative is a full-service media company providing businesses and corporations highly creative media production services. With Margie Aguilar at the helm of the company, ISP has become a driving force in the competitive production arena. Ms. Aguilar’s motto has been, “We are really in the business of ideas. What we market is our creativity.”

You can follow Margie in LinkedIn HERE!

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