![[NAKED Podast] Should I Just Get on Ozempic or Keep ‘Trying’ at the Gym?](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/614ef8b40580ec0880da1dde/1736452423173-DO2COXYQZ7U0D9ZXE6RD/2.png)
[NAKED Podast] Should I Just Get on Ozempic or Keep ‘Trying’ at the Gym?
Welcome to NAKED Questions, the podcast where we strip down tough topics and explore the questions we often avoid confronting. Today, we’re diving into a subject that hits close to home for many: the struggle to lose weight and the temptation to turn to quick fixes. A letter we recently received captured this frustration—trying to eat healthy, exercise, and make progress, only to feel “stuck,” like nothing is working. Sound familiar?

![[NAKED Podcast] Who's the NAKED Tribe? Meet Ana and Fer](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/614ef8b40580ec0880da1dde/1736450432665-1AQ8R1HY08YE6DSUDVRR/1.png)
[NAKED Podcast] Who's the NAKED Tribe? Meet Ana and Fer
This is our very first episode, and we’re so excited to have you here with us! Your hosts, Ana Cruz and Fernanda León, are ready to take you on a journey of bold questions, unfiltered conversations, and meaningful discoveries.

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![[PODCAST] Cómo construir un negocio sustentable y de impacto - Ana Marcela Rodriguez](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/614ef8b40580ec0880da1dde/1732514374924-PBF0843OQFNGBYX8MMHE/2.png)
![[PODCAST] Olvídate del “Chaz chaz” en este país necesitas del crédito - Sandra Portales](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/614ef8b40580ec0880da1dde/1732514225691-482TWCJFVGWGHOMATUXF/3.png)