Beneficios y cómo preparar tu jugo verde
Articles/Artículos Ana Hollingsworth Articles/Artículos Ana Hollingsworth

Beneficios y cómo preparar tu jugo verde

Hace tiempo escuche a varias de mis amigas hablar del famoso “jugo verde y sus beneficios”, y me di a la tarea de investigar un poco. Los resultados y beneficios son sorprendentes y el sabor delicioso. Así que aquí les comparto lo cómo puede beneficiar su salud el jugo verde y cómo preparo el mío.

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[NAKED Podast] Should I Just Get on Ozempic or Keep ‘Trying’ at the Gym?
Podcast Ana Hollingsworth Podcast Ana Hollingsworth

[NAKED Podast] Should I Just Get on Ozempic or Keep ‘Trying’ at the Gym?

Welcome to NAKED Questions, the podcast where we strip down tough topics and explore the questions we often avoid confronting. Today, we’re diving into a subject that hits close to home for many: the struggle to lose weight and the temptation to turn to quick fixes. A letter we recently received captured this frustration—trying to eat healthy, exercise, and make progress, only to feel “stuck,” like nothing is working. Sound familiar?

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