[Receta] Cómo preparar TAMALES de puerco con chile rojo
Padres, Cocina, Cooking Ana Hollingsworth Padres, Cocina, Cooking Ana Hollingsworth

[Receta] Cómo preparar TAMALES de puerco con chile rojo

¿Listos para otra deliciosa receta mis amores? Ahora nos transportaremos hasta mi pueblito Apaseo el Alto, Guanajuato, donde se reunían mi abuelita, mis tias y mi mamá a preparar docenas y docenas de tamales entre sudor, carcajadas y anécdotas. Les encantará esta receta, y se chuparán los dedos porque los tamales “quedan bien, pero bien buenos”.

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Why and How to Do Hansei to Learn from Your Mistakes at Work
English Ana Hollingsworth English Ana Hollingsworth

Why and How to Do Hansei to Learn from Your Mistakes at Work

With the economic and social challenges that are being experienced in this post-pandemic, economic inflation and massive layoffs, many of us feel out of place, lost and even fearful of our job position and career. In my years working as manager of the Gemba Academy's content development department, I learned a very interesting Japanese concept that I loved and for the last 4 years I have applied at the end, beginning and middle of each year, this concept is HENSEI.

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Not the Christmas present we were expecting
English, Life, Vida Ana Hollingsworth English, Life, Vida Ana Hollingsworth

Not the Christmas present we were expecting

Back in March this year, my husband and I decided for me to stay home and take care of our kids, take a break from work and dedicate time to myself and my mental health. I am blessed to have a husband who cares for his family and loves me this much. He has always been a great supporter and provider, but this Christmas we received the news that ruined our plans.

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SnowDay PopUp en Dallas
Padres, Estilo Ana Hollingsworth Padres, Estilo Ana Hollingsworth

SnowDay PopUp en Dallas

Las fotos más bonitas navideñas en un solo lugar. Ponte guapa, cárgate tu cámara y a tu familia y lánzate a SnowDay PopUp en Dallas para que tomen sus fotos Navideñas en un solo lugar.

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5 Datos Curiosos sobre Halloween
Estilo, Padres Ana Hollingsworth Estilo, Padres Ana Hollingsworth

5 Datos Curiosos sobre Halloween

Halloween ya esta aquí y para aquellos como yo que le tenemos miedo a las cosas de terror y espeluznantes, les comparto estos datos curiosos e interesantes que les ayudarán a tener de qué hablar durante la fiesta de Halloween y distraerse de el miedo.

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