The beauty of LAT lifestyle
English Ana Hollingsworth English Ana Hollingsworth

The beauty of LAT lifestyle

According to Heather Mazzei from Modern Intimacy

“LAT (Living Apart Together) is a emerging relationship dynamic which is a generally a monogamous intimate partnership between unmarried individuals who live in separate homes but identify as a committed couple”.

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Anestesia: el arte de dormir el dolor
Vida/Life, Vida Ana Hollingsworth Vida/Life, Vida Ana Hollingsworth

Anestesia: el arte de dormir el dolor

Entre los pioneros que buscaron el control del dolor físico se encuentran Hipócrates y Galeno. El primer método consistió en usar esponjas soporíferas, que se sumergían en una mezcla de opio, mandrágora y beleño; una vez mojadas, se aplicaban al paciente antes de la cirugía y así se conseguía dormirlo.

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Getting over toxic family  members
English Ana Hollingsworth English Ana Hollingsworth

Getting over toxic family members

Saying goodbye to those toxic family members is the first step to a better life, that will bring joy and not sorrow , what hurts needs to be let go, you deserve better you deserve loving people around you, people that are willing to give advice over criticism , people willing to hug you instead of point out fingers , people willing to listen people that truly care , and sometimes, those people are to be found in friends, neighbors, coworkers or even your partner.

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